вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

charm for cat collar

- Does it strike anyoneapos;s WTFdar that McCain responded with, "No, Maapos;m, heapos;s a nice family man" when a woman accused Obama as a Muslim? I mean, itapos;s a nice gesture for McCain and all that, but how does Muslim = nice family man?

- Cynical people laughed at the Master of the Universe when they "fell." Not cynical enough. I bet they were playing a game of chicken - "you stalled on the Bailout on us? Well, we will drive the stock price waaaaayyyyyy down and see who will blink first" and of course the governments blink first. Hurray for free money to the rich Lets give more to the ones that bet wrong in the first place

- Speaking of betting. Do you know the root cause of the crisis is not the subprime and peopleapos;s inability to pay? Thatapos;s the symptom. The root cause is that these wizards of Wall St has set up a parallel banking system to bypass the regulations and on top of that, rely on computers in setting values of financial derivatives such that a transaction can have a huge valuation even though the actual money involved in the base instance can be significantly smaller. Itapos;s like couple people betting on 25 cents and bystanders start to bet higher amount on who would be right and it keeps going from there. (it sort of smells like the Internet Bubble 1.0 and the soon to be burst Web 2.0 bubble, but I digress...)

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