воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Yes, first week of school has finally passed. Not that i donapos;t like it, its quite fine. My class is ok but i didnapos;t get chance to talk to them yet. Lol, im just with the usual few everyday, meeting the rest of the ppl for lunch and stuff. This sem is quite different, everything got to change lol. Everytime everyone is talking about gpa4, but it seems like im so far from it. Its so competitive now, everything is different but not in bad way thou. I did enjoy this week, catching up with each other, having different stories to tell, coming home feeling tired but yet feeling happy. IS is cool, i like. Taking pictures, learning pictures, understanding pictures. See you guys

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So, I bought some off-brand french-fried onions a long time ago (less than a year, but it was probably months and months) and they were just a little meh compared to Frenchapos;s, Iapos;m not sure why. I�just found the rest of the can�again, and can I say they smell INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS? As in better than they were freshly opened. My question is: does anyone know for sure how long the open can is good for? I read the label, but it didnapos;t say anything.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Herein lies an accurate acount of what occured on my 21st birthday.

The night began with picking up my dear cousin at the airport. From the get go I told him that my aim was to not get slobbering drunk, as I did not like it or itapos;s after effects. This is based on an experience I�had while at a little party my sister threw while my parents were out of town. I�did not like it, and I�did not wish to repeat it.

We made our way the the Liquor Den to get some boozery. For my first purchase as a legal imbiber of alcohol, I�bought a fifth of Captain Morgans, and Hal threw in a nice bottle of Absolut Mandarin. We then made our way to Four Peaks, a local bar/brewery that is famed for itapos;s wide selection of beers. Now, I�donapos;t like beer, and I knew this at the time, but I�felt it was important to try and find a beer that I like. However, I was not prepared for the consequences of not liking whatever I got, which was that I would have to finish an entire glass of gag inducing beer. I�took a glass of Oatmeal whatever. It was nasty. Nuff said.

After I had completed my endurance test and Hal had been through two Grape Vodka drinks, Ziva made a very special guest appearance at Four Peaks. She insisted on buying me a drink. Now, I declined at first, but because itapos;s some unwritten law that people under the influence have to be as predictable as possible, I�accepted to drink half of a rum and coke, my drink of choice for the evening. After I�had drained the whole glass (again predictable), I insisted that we depart for Halapos;s abode. Shaneen joined in along the way, and along with Zivaapos;s mother, Rachel, we began to drink. And drink. And drink.

Now, I�ask you, what good is a night of drinking if you donapos;t get into a heated argument? And what good is that heated argument if it isnapos;t about�something incredibly divisive, like politics?�Those questions are the reasons why, with the exclusion of Shaneen, everyone joined in on a rousing debate on where the fault should lie regarding the economic crisis. Long story short, Iapos;m a liberal young person, the other three are conservative 30 or older somethings. This went on at length, and all the while, I drank. Finally, at midnight, and after hopping around Halapos;s backyard, I decided that the time had come to walk home, which is a 10 minute venture.

I wasnapos;t as drunk as I was at my sisterapos;s party, and I had eaten and taken every precaution I thought a man could take to have a decent drinking experience. However, this proved folly. I promptly arrived home, and vomitted. The beer, the multiple rum and cokes, and the so-so spinach dip with pita bread flew into the toilet. This was an all night occurence. As hard as I tried, I could not stop vomiting.

After the first round had ceased, I�retreated to my room to try and sleep it off. This was not to be. I had to keep puking, but I didnapos;t want to spend the whole night draped over the toilet. That is when I was struck by what has to be the most predictable drunkard idea imaginable. I decided that the best option was to puke out the window. Keep in mind that I live in a single story house, so itapos;s not like there was a great drop or anything, but still. The sight of me hanging my head out the window in a vomitous stupor was probably hilarious.

As the night (and eventually morning) drew on, I found other, similarly predictable places to vomit. The kitchen sink, the floor, a glass I was trying to drink water out of, so on and so forth. It was only after I took a long, long shower that I felt even close to being okay. I still feel a bit pukish.

And so thatapos;s that. I will not be drinking again for quite some time.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Today was interesting. Far beyond interesting I should say. But once again, here I am. Sitting alone in the dark questioning myself, and my intentions. Well livejournal, its been almost a year since we last spoke. The post below was about Orlando. This one is about a boy named Carlos. I met him through AIM a couple of months back. At first he sparked no interest within. Then we met at a show, and everything changed. Anyways.. To make a story short; Heapos;s now a part of my life. But I feel I let him down today. All while trying to make him happy. I hate this feeling of uncertainty. Did I mention he has the eyes of an angel? I miss you gma`. Iapos;m sure youapos;d have the perfect advise right about now. Iapos;m sorry I havenapos;t build up the courage to visit your grave. Nine months later. Soon, I promise. Iapos;m building up strength. Iapos;m really happy I have Marilyn now. Who would of thought a kitten would make such a difference.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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- Does it strike anyoneapos;s WTFdar that McCain responded with, "No, Maapos;m, heapos;s a nice family man" when a woman accused Obama as a Muslim? I mean, itapos;s a nice gesture for McCain and all that, but how does Muslim = nice family man?

- Cynical people laughed at the Master of the Universe when they "fell." Not cynical enough. I bet they were playing a game of chicken - "you stalled on the Bailout on us? Well, we will drive the stock price waaaaayyyyyy down and see who will blink first" and of course the governments blink first. Hurray for free money to the rich Lets give more to the ones that bet wrong in the first place

- Speaking of betting. Do you know the root cause of the crisis is not the subprime and peopleapos;s inability to pay? Thatapos;s the symptom. The root cause is that these wizards of Wall St has set up a parallel banking system to bypass the regulations and on top of that, rely on computers in setting values of financial derivatives such that a transaction can have a huge valuation even though the actual money involved in the base instance can be significantly smaller. Itapos;s like couple people betting on 25 cents and bystanders start to bet higher amount on who would be right and it keeps going from there. (it sort of smells like the Internet Bubble 1.0 and the soon to be burst Web 2.0 bubble, but I digress...)

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I would really love it, if someone who really loved me would just hold me tight on this extremely lonely night because i feel like a piece of shit.

i have tried so hard to say how i feel without revealing too much. I know no one could possibly understand where im coming from. If anyone else knew the whole truth youd just look down on me. So i try to say my feelings but i just cant say everything. So that causes a miss understanding, people take it personally but what am i suppose to do? im hiding, im hiding, im hiding why cant you understand? why cant anyone understand. Im trying, im trying, ive been trying my whole life and where has it gotten me? here? i dont know where. I feel like my head is exploding. I feel like my entire being is getting sucked down a tunnel. I feel myself slowly shrinking. Im giving up on everything but the things that have obvious ways of being achieved(school and work). Everything else is a fucking mystery and ive tried. For now im giving up. I cant take it, im fucking cracking under this pressure. Im cracking under these standards i hold so high. I feel guilty because i know what consumes my entire day contradicts everything i believe in. But like ive said. What am i suppose to do? you wouldnt understand. You wouldnt understand. You wouldnt understand. I will say it a-fucking-gain you wont and will not fucking understand so let me hide in my own fucking house if i want to.
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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

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I have a couple of really, really, really important tests coming up in three () days called the HSC, and itapos;ll determine whether I get into university or not. Guess what Iapos;ve been doing for the last year (and two)?

Nada. The funny thing is, everyone but me is freaking out about it. At first, they said it was stress. Itapos;ll wear off, donapos;t worry, youapos;re just panicking, youapos;ll study when the enormity of it hits you. Of course,�I didnapos;t feel stressed. Not a panicky bone in my body. I felt, and still feel calm and indifferent.�Has anyone else felt like this?

P.S�I donapos;t think I love my family. I canapos;t feel good about them at all, and in fact staying away from them has brought me the happiest moments of my life.
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воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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��������������� The Shining is very nostalgic for me because it was the first ldquo;realrdquo; horror movie that I saw. I can still remember the night that I first viewed it. I was about eight at the time, and my older sister and I really wanted to see a scary movie. My dad (who isnrsquo;t going to win any Best Parenting awards with this story) said that he had a really good one that we could watch. He was a huge fan of The Shining because he and my mom had read the book years ago while they were working at a ski lodge. They say that because they were reading it, it was really scary for them to go down to the kitchen to get food at night.

��������������� �At the time that my sister and I saw the movie, keep in mind, our idea of a ldquo;scary movierdquo; was things like Goosebumps. Needless to say, after my dad showed us The Shining, we were terrified. In particular, I remember the scene with the woman in the bathroom REALLY freaking me out, and for a long time I got scared every time that I went into my bathroom. �

��������������� Ever since that night, I havenrsquo;t really been a fan of horror movies. However, it had the opposite effect on my sister, and she became obsessed with themhellip;which led her to force me into watching a ton of other movies based on Stephen King novels. I have seen Carrie, Thinner, Misery, Cujo, IT, and probably a few others that I am forgetting as well. I have also seen another version of The Shiningmdash;a made-for-TV movie. I wish that I could compare the two versions on here, but it has honestly been way too long since I have seen the other version. All that I really remember is that it is really long, Dannyrsquo;s interactions with ldquo;Tonyrdquo; are way freakier, and the hotel cook doesnrsquo;t end up dyingmdash; he is only injured by Jack.

��������������� Although I have seen The Shining several times since my first viewing, the experience was very different when I watched it this week for class. I had never really paid attention to the camera effects of the movie. Having just read the ldquo;Mise-n-scenerdquo; article, however, I was very aware of them this time. The effect that I found the most interesting was how the camera moved with Danny while he was riding his tricycle through the hotel hallways. �As Danny rode forward, the camera moved forward right behind him. Accompanied with the creepy music, this effect really added suspense. The viewer feels like they are traveling with him, and like something is about to creep out at them from behind the corner. I found it really effective. �

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